Industries: Nonprofit

BPM Nonprofit invites you to join the discussion for Subrecipient or Contractor: Which one are you or do you have one? – on Tuesday, October 16, 2018. If you are a subrecipient or a contractor, or if you have a subrecipient, contractor, or subcontract associates with your federal award, you will want to stay up-to-date with the latest information on uniform guidance. You should be aware of the differences and how to identify the appropriate determination. You also need to know what information is needed to track and prepare for compliance.

We will focus on Uniform Guidance Section 200.330-332, and subrecipient compliance, monitoring, and information every nonprofit organization is required to obtain and provide to your subrecipient. We will also review the required reporting for subrecipients.

The BPM Nonprofit Education Series online webcast will be presented by:

Shannon Winter, CPA, Senior Manager, Assurance, BPM

Shannon’s experience with nonprofit organizations includes compliance with Uniform Guidance and Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards. She provides internal and external training on a variety of nonprofit topics and consults with clients on a regular basis.

Kelly Pollard, CPA, Senior Manager, Assurance, BPM

Kelly has extensive experience with nonprofit organizations, including financial statement audits and single audits under the provisions of Uniform Guidance. 

This webcast is free, but registration is required. 2 CPE credits available. Check out nonprofit website for other events.

Date and Time:
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
12:00 PM – 1:40 PM PDT

Online webcast