Industries: FinTech

A BPM FinTech Roundtable

The digital world is moving at real time speed, transforming the world at large. Most recently, this evolution is affecting the transaction space in the finance world through blockchain technology. Join us for an exciting roundtable discussion on the technology’s potential in shaping the future of the financial services industry and beyond. During this program, we will discuss how companies are using blockchain to improve the consumer experience and streamline business operations.

Discussion topics include:

  • Defining blockchain
  • Potential use cases and killer applications
  • Critical success factors in adoption
  • What’s next? (future of blockchain)

William J. Schoch
President & CEO

Discussion Leader:
Diana Adachi
Global Executive | Blockchain and Payments Industry Advisor
Accenture Digital


This program is part of BPM’s FinTech Roundtable Series. If you would like to learn more about BPM’s services to the FinTech community, or to attend future roundtables, contact Daniel Figueredo at