It's Sunday at 11:00 PM. You have bad news to share with your organization and the press. What are you going to do?

How do you phrase the bad news? How do you write the press release? Is there someone you can call to help? Who can provide the guidance and wisdom to help you make the right decision? How will you be successful?

Join Tom Low and Masharika Maddison as they share with you their experiences and unique benefits of mentorship and coaching. They will also provide their insights on how to activate – and offer – these resources across your network.

About our speakers:

Tom LowCFO of Playworks

Tom has built a personal board of advisors and cadre of mentors that has guided his career as a CFO, nonprofit executive, and small business owner. He has "been there and done that" across several industries from venture-backed start-ups to international NGOs.

Masharika MaddisonLeadership Coach + Founder of LightWell Coaching + Consulting & Senior Director of Training at Coro Northern California

Masharika is a social justice advocate and certified coach. She is an expert on the coaching process and helps clients even without first-hand knowledge of what the client has experienced. Masharika is former Division 1-A college athlete and sees the value of achieving short- and long-term goals while remaining accountable and communicating at every step.

Date and Time:
September 13, 2018
9:00 AM – 10:40 AM PDT

Various BPM Offices

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