Capital campaigns are often transformational for many organizations. However, many accounting and tax issues arise during a capital campaign that you should be prepared to look out for.
Join the BPM Nonprofit Education Series for Preparing for a Successful Capital Campaign. During this session, we will explore key issues during each of the important phases of a capital campaign, including the planning phase, silent phase, campaign launch, construction period, and after construction is complete. We’ll cover a variety of common issues for capital campaigns to help you get prepared and know what to look out for.
Date: March 7, 2019
Time: 9:00 AM – 10:40 AM
Where: BPM San Francisco, with video feed to other BPM offices
CPE credit available
About Our Speakers:
Melodie Olson, CPA
Senior Manager, Assurance, BPM
Melodie has over ten years of professional experience in public accounting. As a part of BPM's nonprofit industry group, she has consulted with various organizations with their capital campaigns. She recently co-authored Preparing Nonprofit Finance Teams for a Successful Capital Campaign, a BPM white paper.
Daniel Figueredo, CPA, CGMA
Partner, Assurance, Nonprofit Industry Group Leader, BPM
Daniel has been with BPM since 2003 and works extensively with Uniform Guidance, significant endowments, UPMIFA, planned giving and capital campaigns. He is deeply involved in serving nonprofit organizations as part of his commitment to contributing to the betterment of society.
This event will be presented live at BPM San Francisco, with video to other BPM offices.
In preparation for our discussion, don't forget to download the capital campaign white paper, Preparing Nonprofit Finance Teams for a Successful Capital Campaign.