This session will cover updates on developments in nonprofit accounting, such as nonprofit financial reporting, revenue recognition, recognizing grants and contracts, leases, and on going concern. We will also unpack recent proposals and new legislation under the Trump administration and potential implications to the nonprofit sector, as well as updates to IRS Form 990.


Daniel Figueredo, CPA, CGMA
Partner, Assurance, BPM
Daniel runs BPM’s Nonprofit Group and is also a leader in the Financial Services Industry Group, providing clients with a unique combination of experience. He has worked extensively with fair value and alternative investments, Single Audits, significant endowments and UPMIFA, tax-exempt debt, planned giving, partnership accounting, program-related investments, New Markets Tax Credits, gifts-in-kind, and significant capital campaigns.

Elena Serebriakova, CPA
Director, Tax, BPM
Elena has over six years in public accounting, with a focus on providing tax services to nonprofit and for-profit organizations. Her nonprofit experience includes community foundations, professional membership associations, education organizations, performing arts organizations, social welfare organizations and private foundations.

Michael Schaffer, CPA
Managing Director, Tax, BPM
Michael has extensive experience in tax compliance for not-for-profit organizations, family real estate partnerships, closely-held corporations, distribution, and other service sectors. He is also well-versed in corporate, partnership, and individual tax planning.

Please note that this event will be presented live at BPM’s San Francisco office, while video conference will be available to other BPM offices. Register online before Thursday, August 17, 2017. We look forward to seeing you!

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