David TreppThe majority of breaches we read about in the headlines are a result of phishing attacks. Join David Trepp, BPM’s Information Security Assessment expert, as he explains why and how attackers perform phishing attacks, why they are so successful, and what you can do to protect yourself and your organization. Join in at this informative BPM cybersecurity webinar on October 24, and arm yourself to avoid becoming the next phishing victim.

Date and Time:
Thursday, October 24, 2019
10:00–11:00 a.m. PDT

Online Webinar

If you missed the October 24, 2019 webinar, there’s still an opportunity to view the recording and materials through the links below.

*The live program is eligible for CPE credit.

To hear about the upcoming webinars in our cybersecurity series, join our mailing list here.




David Trepp
Information Security Assessment Services Leader

A technology entrepreneur since 1989, David has led over 1,100 information security penetration test engagements for satisfied customers across all major industries throughout the United States and abroad. He has given dozens of presentations to audiences nationwide, on a variety of information security topics. Prior to joining BPM, David was founder and CEO of Info@Risk, a leading comprehensive penetration test firm. David has worked in information security with commercial, healthcare, government, financial, utility, law enforcement and nonprofit organizations since 1998.


BPM’s Information Security Assessment Services Group understands how to balance information security and business needs. The Firm performs a variety of tests and reviews, including the Comprehensive Penetration Test and Information Security Program Review, to identify vulnerabilities in a client’s IT infrastructure, allowing companies to make well-educated decisions on where to best allocate resources. Learn more about our cybersecurity webinar series and information security assessment services here.

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